Pass the Salt. And the Pepper. And While You’re at it, the Ketchup too.
Performance starts: 7pm
Saturday March 12th, 2016
Welcome to our table, an elsewhere where nothing is what it seems. Everything could really be something else: there are myriad ways to enjoy the delicate aromas and flavors of these instantaneous perceptual ambiguities. Don’t feast upon them too fast–this could cause self-induced indigestion–though swallowing them whole with unhinged jaws may be needed to saturate the indulgent tyrants inhabiting our gorge with stomach-acid, eroding their every concept of necessity/propriety. During this dinner service, the body craves peptide-insulation against benevolent ignorance and against the economic ulceration of art making/consumption/
Pass the Salt. And the Pepper. And While You’re at it, the Ketchup too is a full menu of live works with recipes involving scores, actions, movement, and substances, situating performative, social and ritual practices. Open to the public. Any/all suggested donations will be distributed to the artists. (Leili Huzaibah)
Waqia Abdul-Kareem
Jenna Kline
Beatriz Albuquerque
Quinn Dukes
Geraldo Mercado
Alejandro Chellet
This event is made possible in part by the Queens Council on the Arts with public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.