CONCRETE – 2 Person show- 05/25/17

Opening Reception
May 25th, Thursday, 6-9 pm
Gallery hrs Wed – Sat 12-6pm

The exhibition Concrete showcases the overlap between the works of two contemporary Israeli artists, Yoav Friedlander and Michelle Claire Gevint. For both, Concrete is a pivotal aspect in their work.
Michelle and Yoav both use the medium of photography to examine a fascinating persistency of concrete in the Israeli cultural landscape, the influence of concrete architecture, monumental structures, their exterior and interior presence in-between a physical place or space and its representation.
Both artists, base their work and rely on indexicality, that derives from photography, to remake or replicate known monuments, architecture, existing images and visions from a collective memory. Their recreations accentuate the influence of photographic representation on a collective perception.
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council